Thursday, August 25, 2005

NYFD Ladder 18

I was working on some images from our recent trip to New York today, getting some ready to be printed. Diane gives me a hard time because I am always taking images of fire engines. I have a lot of respect for the job that the fire fighters do and what a hard job it is. I also am very impressed with all of the mechanics that a fire engine has on it.

Anyway this ladder truck was parked right in front of our hotel one day! The doorman said that it was just a once a year tour of the hotel by the fire department (pretty good idea in my opinion; especially if it is me that needs help to get out of the building!) As I was working on the image I started wondering what "Fort Pitt" on the front meant so I typed it into Google and came up with this page (link to ladder 18 web page) . This company serves the lower east side in New York and was one of the closer fire companies to the trade center on 9/11.

This is a new ladder truck for the company. I found the following photo on their website of what happened to their last ladder truck during 9/11. Miraculously no one from their company died! It is amazing the amount of history that can be right in front of a person and they don't even realize it! Ok back to getting proofs ready to mail out! Tom

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