Thursday, December 15, 2005

Website Update Done!

Updating the webpage is kind of like cleaning off your desk. You put off doing it but once it is done you can stand back and marvel at how proud you are to have gotten it done. Now, I know some people clean off their desks everyday but for us right brainers it is something that gets put off. Hmmm would I rather sit at the computer for hours or would I rather photograph people outside? I vote for the photography part! Anyway as the snow starts to fly I get the opportunity to get caught up on the indoor things.

The big change and the thing that took the most time was changing the image galleries. I looked at a lot of different ways to display our images, everything from flash plugins to java slide shows. But I wanted the viewers (you) to be able to see the images at their own speed and not to have to "click" on every single image to view it. That is why I came up with all of the remote rollovers. I can do remote rollovers now!! The other thing I wanted to be able to do was to take a group of images, size them and then be able to upload them to our site without having to mess with the html code each time. That way I can keep the images current!!

The other things that were done probably won't be noticed like the form handler script was updated to (hopefully) deter spammers from hijacking it. The webhosting company that we use certainly will appreciate it!! Other than that just general moving stuff around and changing some of the wording.

Please, Please, Please take a look at the site and let me know if you find any broken links etc.!

As for Diane she is working very very hard on your holiday orders. We have a new employee, Tasha (more on that later). Michelle is going to be leaving soon to work on writing her book. But right now everyone, except me, is working at the studio to get everything out before Christmas Eve.

Ok I'm off to clean another desk, prepare marketing stuff for January, hit the gym, start a newsletter and make sure the staff have time to get lunch! Thanks for all of your love and support!


1 comment:

My Daily Struggles said...

Website update done. Congratulations.